Monday, February 17 2025

The Tega Cay City Council meeting on January 21, 2025, involved discussions on a variety of issues, including committee structures, development concerns, ARPA funding, and the deer management program.

Action Items & Discussions:

  • Tabled Item: The council tabled the first agenda item to their February meeting.
  • Approved Minutes: The council approved the minutes from the December 16, 2024 meeting.
  • Ordinance 581 Violation (27053 Catamaran Drive): The council tabled discussion regarding a potential ordinance violation concerning a Land Rover vehicle. The owner, Rory Forum, argued that the vehicle was neither abandoned nor derelict according to state law.
  • ARPA Funding for Small Businesses: The council approved criteria for small businesses to receive ARPA funding, with discussion about eligibility requirements and communication strategies.
  • Council Liaisons for Committees: The council discussed the role of council liaisons for committees and agreed that while council members should continue to attend committee meetings, committee chairs or designated members should present reports to the full council.
  • Amending City Code – Parks & Recreation and Stormwater Committees (Ordinance 581): The council introduced and conducted the first reading of an ordinance to amend the city code relating to the Parks and Recreation and Stormwater committees. They discussed membership requirements and meeting procedures.
  • Amending Fiscal Year Budget – Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule: The council introduced and conducted the first reading of an ordinance to amend the fee schedule for reserving pickleball courts at the Beach and Swim Center. They discussed the fee structure, reservation process, and access for residents versus non-residents.
  • York County Natural Gas Board of Directors: The council voted to recommend Tom Goble to continue serving as the city’s representative on the York County Natural Gas Board of Directors.
  • Windjammer Shoreline Stabilization Project: The council awarded the bid for the Windjammer Shoreline Stabilization project to Lake Wylie Dock Construction for an amount not to exceed $990,000.
  • Wildlife Management Program: The council approved allocating funds not to exceed $35,000 from contingency funds towards the wildlife management program for additional deer culling. They discussed the effectiveness of the current program and the need for further action to reduce the deer population.

City Manager’s Report:

  • Annual Department Reports: Annual reports for each city department were to be available online the following day.
  • Smoke Alarm Blitz: The fire department was conducting a smoke alarm blitz in Ledgestone.
  • Spring Sports Registration: Registration for spring sports closes on Saturday, February 1st, coinciding with Dick’s Sporting Goods Day.
  • Polar Plunge: The police department was hosting the annual Polar Plunge on Saturday, February 1st, at the Beach and Swim Center.
  • Upcoming Public Hearings: The council was expected to hold two public hearings at their February 18th meeting, one regarding the MAR Overlay District and the other concerning site standards in the PDD for Main Street.
  • Committees, Commissions, and Boards Applications: Applications were open until February 29th for terms expiring at the end of March.
  • Comprehensive Plan Update Survey: An interactive survey for citizens to provide feedback on the city’s comprehensive plan update was expected to be available by the end of the month.
  • Beach and Swim Center Membership: Registration for Beach and Swim Center memberships for the following summer was open.

The meeting concluded with council member comments and an executive session.


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