List of drop-off locations for donations/supplies to help those affected by Helene

Model A Brewing
Drop off: 1175 Stonecrest Blvd, Tega Cay, SC
Needs: Batteries, Pumps, Buckets, Candles, First aid kits, First aid supplies. Grey water containers
Fort Mill Police Dept-COLLECTION ENDED
Up thru Tues at 1pm
drop off: 112 confederate St
Needs: hand sanitizer, water, nonperishables, baby formula/diapers, pet food, trashbag, flashlights, hygiene items
City of Tega Cay- Collection Paused
Making multiple trips
Drop off: Glennon Center Meeting Room, Lower level. 15083 Molokai Drive
Needs: Hygiene items (Soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.), Socks, underwear, diapers, Rain jackets or rain suits, Clorox or toiletry wipes, Canned goods or MREs, Water bottles, Baby formula
York County Sheriff-Elect, Tony Breeden-
Making multiple trips this week
Drop off: Lakewood Baptist, Matthew Construction & Oakdale Baptist
Needs: Talcum Powder, baby food, baby formula, baby wipes, diapers, water, protein bars, jerkey, men’s socks, liquid IV, batteries, flashlights and any meals ready to eat.
Rock Hill Automotive-
Drop off: 1501 E Main St, Rock Hill by Thursday evening
Needs: sports and hydration POWDERS, baby wipes, bug spray, bottled water, tarps, disinfecting wipes
Legion Collegiate-
Drop off at School between 9/30-10/3
Needs: diapers, wipes & formula donations
Bio-One Charlotte-
Taking a CLEAN UP CREW to Asheville Friday
Needs: bottled water, chainsaws, shovels, gas cans full, contractor bags
Contact them via their FB page or call 810-955-8982 to arrange drop off
Sisk Baptist Church-COLLECTION ENDED
Drop off: 115 Massey St. Fort Mill, 8am-2:30pm (can take later if you call an arrange time)
Needs: Flushable wipes, work gloves, bug spray, portable phone chargers, socks, peanut butter, chef boyardee (pull tab), beenie weenie (pull tab), granola bars, dry cereal, feminine hygiene products
Rock Hill Police Dept-
SUSPENDED donation collection for Tues. Due to over abundance today- Officers have already left for NC with supplies
Drop off: 120 E Black Street