Monday, May 13 2024

York County drug agents arrested a Rock Hill couple that police say were running a meth lab inside an Ebenezer Avenue Extension home this morning.

Shortly after 9 a.m., York County Deputies were serving a bench warrant on 29-year-old Corey Catoe when they came across the lab inside his bedroom.

Rock Hill Police Sgt. Jim Lubbeen explains what officers found inside Catoe’s home, a duplex within eyesight of Winthrop University.

[audio: 130416-Lubben-B.mp3]

Lubben said Tuesday’s meth bust was the fourth this year in York County.

Nearby residents were evacuated from their homes as crews continued their investigation.

Catoe’s girlfriend, 26-year-old Brooklyn Brandon, was also arrested in connection with the meth lab.

Hazmat crews were on the scene through the morning and into the afternoon dressed in protective suits and gas masks removing various items from Catoe’s home.

Lubben said Tuesday’s arrests mark the fourth meth lab shut down in York County in 2013. Earlier this year, officials from the State Law Enforcement Division said York County and the upstate portions of South Carolina are developing a, “taste,” for meth. Lubben says that’s likely.

[audio: 130416-Lubben-C.mp3]

Catoe remains in jail awaiting a bond hearing.

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