Tuesday, February 11 2025

The Fort Mill Town Council meeting on October 14, 2024, began with the usual formalities: the Pledge of Allegiance, an invocation by Council Member Lisa Cook, and the approval of the minutes from the previous meetings (September 23, 2024, and October 3, 2024). No public comments were made, as no citizens signed up to speak.

Several presentations were made during the meeting. First, the Council recognized the winners of the River Trail Elementary School Scarecrow Award. These students showcased exceptional creativity and engineering skills through their scarecrow projects, demonstrating the application of math and science principles. The Council praised the students’ accomplishments and the involvement of their teacher in integrating real-world problem-solving into classroom activities.

Next, Jacona Hester presented updates on two upcoming community events: the 2024 Fort Mill Fall Festival and the 2024 Fort Mill Veterans Day Ceremony. Hester highlighted activities, vendor participation, and logistical details for both events. For the Fall Festival, a request was made to allow the sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, along with live music at Walter Elisha Park on October 19, 2024.

Chipper Wilkerson, Fire Chief, gave an extensive report on the Fort Mill Fire Department’s activities for the fiscal year 2023-2024. The report included details on response statistics, training programs, and new equipment acquisitions. Of particular note were the department’s significant efforts in community risk reduction, including outreach and educational programs reaching over 6,400 students. Wilkerson also announced the receipt of a FEMA SAFER grant totaling $4.2 million, which will be used to expand fire department staffing and enhance operational capabilities.

Under Old Business, the Council held the second reading of two ordinances. The first was for the annexation of 5.25 acres at the intersection of Fort Mill Parkway and Holbrook Road, which passed without issue. The second ordinance amended the town’s business license ordinance to improve enforcement mechanisms.

Old Business:

  • Second Reading: Ordinance annexing York County Tax Map Number(s) 738-00-00-063 and a portion of 738-00-00-062, totaling approximately 5.25 acres at the intersection of Fort Mill Parkway and Holbrook Road.
  • Second Reading: Ordinance amending the town’s business license ordinance to add additional language related to enforcement.

New Business items included the approval of multiple budget amendments related to capital projects, including the acceptance of the Fire SAFER grant, funding for a new Public Works Operation Center, and the construction of Fire Station #3. Additionally, the Council authorized an application for a grant to rehabilitate the Link Street gravity sewer system and voted to accept the streets within the Anniston Chase subdivision into the town’s street maintenance system.

New Business:

  • Fire SAFER Grant Acceptance: Approval of a grant to support fire department staffing and operations.
  • First Reading: Ordinance adopting a budget amendment to accept the Fire SAFER grant.
  • First Reading: Ordinance adopting a budget amendment for the Public Works Operation Center.
  • First Reading: Ordinance adopting a budget amendment to construct Fire Station #3.
  • First Reading: Ordinance adopting a budget amendment to facilitate multiple capital projects for fiscal year 2025.
  • Resolution: Approval to apply for a basic infrastructure grant from the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority to rehabilitate the Link Street gravity sewer.
  • Resolution: Authorization of a public event with alcohol sales and live music on October 19, 2024, at Walter Elisha Park.
  • Resolution: Acceptance of the streets within the Anniston Chase subdivision into the Town of Fort Mill Street Maintenance System?

The meeting concluded with a brief executive session to discuss the proposed sale of real property. No public actions were taken following the session, and the meeting was adjourned shortly thereafter


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