PCLS becomes first tenant at Riverwalk Business Park
Hundreds of people turned out today at the Riverwalk Business Park in Rock Hill as Physicians Choice Laboratory Services cut the ribbon on its new 100,000 square foot headquarters. Governor Nikki Haley welcomed PCLS to South Carolina, and says the company is making a true sacrifice and leap of faith in moving from Charlotte. Haley says it’s now everyone’s job to make sure PCLS is successful.
[audio: 130708-Haley-A.mp3]Joe Wiegel, PCLS president of operations, says when company officials realized what they wanted it to become, they knew 60,000 square feet was not enough.
[audio: 130708-Wiegel-A.mp3]Mayor Doug Echols welcomed PCLS to Rock Hill.
[audio: 130708-Echols-A.mp3]PCLS expects to hire the 300th employee for its facility this year.